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2021-08-20 10:13:42    來源:榕城網(wǎng)

Public Statement of the WORLD MADAM Global Series Activities


One step for madam,One step for the Word.


The 2021 WORLD MADAM division competitions and other activities are currently taken place smoothly all over the globe.


We have recently discovered that an organization or individual has acted under the banner of the World Madam Contest in China to recruit people. They have been sending out competition recruitment links to different regions and discredited other competitions' legitimacy. These are not the official actions of the Madame World Group. Please be vigilant and discerning.


We shall remind everyone that any activities without the authorization of Madam Annie Huang and the consent of the World Madam Group Co., Ltd. shall have nothing to do with Madam Annie Huang and the World Madam Group Co., Ltd. The general public shall pay attention and be discerning.


World Madam Group Co.,Limited




WORLD MADAM event introduction

WORLD MADAM世界夫人全球系列活動是由Anni Huang黃安妮夫人發(fā)起,Lisa Chen夫人擔(dān)任全球執(zhí)行主席的全球系列活動。旨在鏈接世界各地在政治、經(jīng)濟、科技、文化等領(lǐng)域富有影響力的已婚女性,是彰顯已婚女性魅力的平臺,通過“Crown Changes Lives 王冠改變?nèi)松?rdquo;喚醒、鼓勵更多的已婚女性在為工作、家庭、下一代辛勤付出的同時,學(xué)習(xí)如何正確關(guān)愛自已,通過傳播健康、美麗、愛心,樹立更多幸福女主人榜樣力量,進而關(guān)心和參與社會公益活動,幫助貧困、殘障婦女兒童,共同為促進“Families Share Harmony and Happiness Around the Global 全球家庭共享和諧與幸福”愿景和目標(biāo)而不懈努力。

WORLD MADAM global series events were initiated by Madam Anni Huang, Madam Lisa Chen serves as the global executive chairman of these global series events. These events connect married women who are influential in politics, economics, technology, culture, and other fields from all over the world. They aim to highlight the charm of married women and encourage them to learn how to care for themselves while working hard for their family and the next generation via the "Crown Changes Lives". Their goal is to establish more female role models by spreading health, beauty and love, participate in social welfare activities, help the poor and disabled, and work hard to promote the "Families Share Harmony and Happiness Around the Globe".

WORLD MADAM世界夫人全球賽事活動不以外貌、身材、才藝等局限角度來評選,而是以豐富的多維度、多元化、包容性以及其社會角色來定義夫人的成功與成就。“The Great Madam for the World,The Great World for the Madam為世界準(zhǔn)備偉大的夫人,為夫人準(zhǔn)備偉大的世界。”是對WORLD MADAM世界夫人使命的全新詮釋。

The WORLD MADAM global event is not judged from limited categories such as appearance, figure, talent, etc., but instead is determined by the multi-dimensional, diverse, inclusive, and social roles of the married women's success and achievement. “The Great Madam for the World, The Great World for the Madam" is the new interpretation of the mission of WORLD MADAM.

區(qū)別于其它傳統(tǒng)選美賽事,WORLD MADAM世界夫人的評選采用的是個人綜合前置評選與現(xiàn)場評選相結(jié)合方式,整個活動過程貫穿三大顯著特征:

Different from other traditional beauty pageants, the selection of Mrs. WORLD MADAM adopts a combination of personal comprehensive pre-selection and on-site selection. The whole event process has three distinctive features:


First, it is international. During the 2020 pandemic, the event received applications from 31 countries. According to statistics, among the 11,000 ladies who signed up for the World Madam Pageant, 195 had won various national competition awards, in which 103 candidates had entered the global finals. It was a truly international event as competitions were held all over the globe and the 2020 global finals and awards ceremony were held in Macau.

二是公益性。WORLD MADAM世界夫人對全球所有賽區(qū)都免收授權(quán)費,這將有助于各賽區(qū)的執(zhí)行主席可以將有限資源投入到賽事組織、鼓勵夫人開展慈善活動等這些真正需要的地方。夫人當(dāng)選后也積極參與公益活動,從而將世界夫人公益萬里行理念切實落到實處;公益與慈善已成為WORLD MADAM世界夫人顯著耀眼的標(biāo)志。

Second, it promotes public welfare. Mrs. WORLD MADAM will waive the authorization fees for all its competition locations. This will help the executive chairman of each location to invest limited resources to the organization of the event and encourage married women to carry out charitable activities. After being elected, the madam will also actively participate in public welfare activities, thus effectively implementing the concept of the World Madam's Charity Trip initiated by Mrs. Anni Huang. Public welfare and charity have become the distinguished symbols of WORLD MADAM.

三是廣泛性。WORLD MADAM世界夫人不只舉辦賽事,還創(chuàng)建了世界夫人皇家學(xué)院,先后聯(lián)合主辦了高規(guī)格的博鰲亞洲論壇全球健康大會“全球健康女性”分論壇、全球健康女性沙龍活動;聯(lián)合國世界和平音樂會、《老家在中國》第五屆世界華人春晚、第11屆聯(lián)合國自閉癥日慈善音樂會、《唱響歐洲》2021大型歐洲春節(jié)晚會、世界夫人公益萬里行活動和沙漠戈壁挑戰(zhàn)賽等,已經(jīng)使得WORLD MADAM世界夫人全球系列活動正通往構(gòu)建實現(xiàn)“One Step for Madam,One Step for the World夫人一小步,世界一大步”理念的完整體系。

Third, it has universality. WORLD MADAM has not only held competitions, but has also founded the Royal Academy of World Madam and successively co-hosted the grand Bo‘ao Forum for Asia Global Health Conference "Global Healthy Women" sub-forum and Global Healthy Women's Salon. It has also held the United Nations World Peace Concert, "My Hometown in China", the Fifth World Chinese Spring Festival Gala, the 11th United Nations Autism Day Charity Concert, "Singing Europe" 2021 large-scale European Spring Festival Gala, the World Madam Charity Trip, Desert Gobi Challenges and more. These events have enabled the WORLD MADAM to execute the concept of "One Step for Madam, One Step for the World".


關(guān)鍵詞: 活動 公開 聲明
